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Partnerships with BellaOnline

BellaOnline has worked very hard to develop a site that has the highest reputation for quality and professionalism. We do not innundate our visitors with pop-ups and interstitial ads. The links we provide are always to the highest quality sites that we believe in. We do not allow text link advertising. For this reason, our users trust us a great deal and click on the links we provide. Search engines respect that our links are meaningful, and give great ranking increases to people we link to.

For this reason, we are very particular about who we partner with. We have found through trial and error that simply linking to a "games site" or "career site" or "travel site" will not gain us either volumes of new visitors nor money to help pay for our hosting fees. We do not accept externally written content - our site is all about providing a place for our *writers* to be heard, not a press agency. Our biggest asset is the trust and loyalty of our visitors. It is usually not in our best interest to drive those visitors to another website, nor to foist content on them that we did not write ourselves. People come to us TO hear our words and to visit with us. To turn around and trick them into going elsewhere would be a disservice to that trust.

Some people attempt to partner with us as a way for us to drive a ton of traffic to them, for free, in return for CPA advertising. We really can't do that. We have specifically designed our site to have as few links as possible, so that the few links we do link to are considered of high value by our visitors and by search engines. We cannot dilute that design by adding in 'free links' which *might* give us a return depending on how well the third party has designed their website. All ads on BellaOnline are done on a CPM basis.

That being said, there are very distinct applications that truly do provide a service to our users that we cannot provide them ourselves. A partnership is NOT something an individual editor can enter into with any third party. Our editors are all volunteers, they are NOT employees. Also note that we get hundreds of requests for partnerships each week. Many of these seem to come from spammers who do not understand at all what our site is about.

If you have a situation which you feel is truly suited for our site, and have gone through our site to understand what we are all about, please submit the full details to BellaOnline Advertising. We need to know the exact details of your offer, in order to consider it and how well it fits in with the BellaOnline philosophy.

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Designing a Web Ad - A BellaOnline Step by Step Primer!


More Vines with Scented Blooms

Irish Apple Shortbread Tart Recipe

Versatile Basic Irish Beef & Guinness Recipe


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie

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