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UBB / Ultimate Bulletin Board - BellaOnline Testimonials

BellaOnline is an online community. It is natural that we would want a forum system to provide our members with a way to interact, ask questions, and provide support to each other. In our early years we tested out many forum options and put them through rigorous trials.

In July 2003 we made the decision to go with the Ultimate Bulletin Board system, known as UBB. This forum system provides the robust structure to handle 400 different forum areas - one for each topic area within BellaOnline - as well as private boards for editor only use.

Having used the UBB forum system for many years now, we are happy to report that we are exceedingly pleased. The boards have run smoothly even as we surpassed 40,000 active members. We have over a half million posts in the forums. We have members posting photos, voting in polls, participating in contests, exchanging private messages, and logging in at all hours of the day and night. The forums must be up. The UBB system ensures that they are.

Over the years as we have changed servers and upgraded systems, the UBB support team has always been there to help out. While some software companies outsource their support team to lands where you cannot understand what they are saying, the UBB team is flawless. They respond promptly, they take the time to read your problem and walk you through the solution. The active UBB support forum area is friendly, encouraging, and always knows how to solve any problem you hit.

I highly recommend the UBB forum system for anyone who needs a forum solution. I am now running the UBB forums on three different websites I own, and the system is running smoothly in each case. UBB is perfect for small, medium, and large solutions, and I an thrilled with their reliability and service.

UBB / Ultimate Bulletin Board website

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